Photos for the 80th Anniversary
of the Halifax Crash
on 65370 Pic du Douly held on 6 July
On 6 July 2024, many veterans and youngsters made the intrepid walk to the war graves on 65370 PIC DU DOULY. It was to hold a moving ceremony to remember those aircrew who died in a fatal crash in their Halifax on 6 July 1944 on the peak at 1849 metres high whilst delivering much needed equipment to the local French resistance. The many photos show the day and highlight the new headstones which have recently replaced the original crosses:

These photographs are free to use for any publication both printed and online, all I ask is that you credit the image(s) with my name: Julian Baker.
If you require the photographs in a larger size or format please email me with the image number: havevision[at]